Title:- There Will Be Blood 2007
Directors: Paul Thomas Anderson
Writers: Paul Thomas Anderson, Upton Sinclair
Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Ciarán Hinds
Genre: Film 2007 | Drama
Rating: 8.2/10
There Will Be Blood is a Hollywood movie which is directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. The actors in the movie are Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Ciarán Hinds. The movie story set in the year 1998. Daniel Plainview lives in New Mexico and he is a researcher of gold and silver to get richer. Once he found a silver sample from the ground but in the process of getting out from there, her leg will break. The accident changed his mind and he also changes her business. After some year he getting news about found oil somewhere in Los Angles. He reaches there and starts the project to getting oil from there. In the project, one day an accident occurs and a worker dies. He adopts the worker’s son for showing kindness. In the future, they both crack many business deals and expand their business, and face many problems. Most of the new Trending Hollywood films are streaming for free on Looks Movies website.