Title:- Out of My Mind 2024
Directors: Amber Sealey
Writers: Daniel Stiepleman, Sharon M. Draper
Cast: Phoebe-Rae Taylor, Luke Kirby, Emily Mitchell
Genre: Films 2024 | Drama
Synopsis: Teenage Melody Brooks has cerebral palsy. She has a lot to say and thinks about a lot of topics, but she is unable to make her voice heard. She is unable to walk, speak, or form typical friendships outside of the special class she attends at school. Out of My Mind mostly uses an annoyingly erratic narrative to put us inside her thoughts; more on that later. It enables us to view her as the intelligent, witty, and perceptive girl that she is. She cannot be viewed that way by her peers because of the hardships she must endure. It is a glimpse into a world that only a select few may access, and it leads to a narrative. Browse top rated Lookmovie 2023 movies and television shows.