Title:- If I Can’t Have Love I Want Power 2021
Directors: Colin Tilley
Writers: Halsey
Cast: Halsey, Sasha Lane, Vuk Celebic
Genre: Film 2021 | Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Musical
Rating: 8.1/10
If I Can’t Have Love I Want Power 2021 is the Music Album Written and signed by Halsey a Famous American singer and songwriter. This album is recorded and will be released by the fourth studio. But to create publicity for her album, she planned to release the film with the same name. She has tried to portray the lyrics of her songs in this film. She has played the role of Queen Lila as a pregnant Queen in the film. Colin Tilley has helped her in directing her film. Star cast like Sasha Lane as The Seer and Vuk Celebic has played the role of The King. Here you have to enjoy this full movie full of Drama, Fantasy, and Horror by streaming it online on your devices. Browse Lookmovie Online Free streaming platform to enjoy Full HD Movies from the 2021 collection now.