Title:- Gunpowder Milkshake 2021
Directors: Navot Papushado
Writers: Navot Papushado, Ehud Lavski
Cast: Karen Gillan, Lena Heade, Carla Gugino
Genre: Film 2021 | Action, Adventure, Thriller
Rating: 5.7/10
Synopsis: Gunpowder Milkshake 2021 is having a very interesting story full of Action, Mystery & Thrill. the movie begins with the girl Sam (Karen Gillan) and her mother Scarlet (Lena Headey). Scarlet was an elite assassin and was forced to left her daughter when she was only 12. After her mother, Sam was raised by The Firm with whom her mother used to work they are ruthless criminals. 15 years passed and now Sam has become the fierce hit-woman by following her mother’s footprints. She started using her talents to catch the most dangerous messes from The Firm. She was very efficient and loyal in her job. After the passage of time, The Firm’s job is now becoming risk and wrong too. At this point of the film, she has to choose one of two options. The first option was to remain with The Firm and the second one is to protect the life of an innocent 8-year-old girl Emily (Chloe Coleman). To protect herself and that girl Sam has to join her hands with her mother and her lethal association The Librarians. In this association, there are three members Angela Bassett (Anna May), Michelle Yeoh (Florence), and Carla Gugino (Madeleine). Now all of them have to work together to fight against The Firm. Watch Full Movie and Enjoy it online here. Lookmovie Online Free platform is having a great collection of 2020 as well as 2021 released films for you.